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Jake is an amazing trainer and makes our workouts go by quick! He is always changing it up to keep me on my toes

Dan T.

Webster, NY

Jakob has been working with our son on his speed and agility for soccer - and the results have been very impressive. My husband and I highly recommend Jakob to work with your child to improve their athletic performance.

Shirley W.

Fairport, NY

I think I was one of Jake's first clients when he started at Push. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have lost a significant amount of weight and able to do things again that I haven't been able to do since I was in my 20's.

John R.

Pittsford, NY

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Jakob Persons

Fitness and sports have always been a passion of mine. Playing three varsity sports at Columbia High School in Albany, New York I transitioned to SUNY Fredonia where I captained the Men’s Soccer team and played over 70 games. SUNY Fredonia is where I was formally introduced to what true fitness really is. Majoring in Exercise Science and carrying a minor in coaching I was able to learn about the human body and the systems within it. It was at this point I became vigorously curious about how one could manipulate their own body in countless ways in order to achieve a myriad of results.

Since starting my personal training career, I have found boundless joy in helping people achieve their goals. Whether working with young athletes hoping to improve their performance within their sport, or adults looking to improve their overall health, I find great satisfaction in seeing the results that come from working within this field. I believe that everyone is capable of anything they set their mind to, whatever their circumstances. My goal as a personal trainer at Push Fitness is to help you achieve your health goals, as well as making the gym something you can look forward to day in and day out. Allow me to partake in your health adventure with you and guide you on your way to the body and lifestyle you want and deserve!

Get To Know Me:

What is your favorite part about being a personal trainer?

I enjoy getting to know all kinds of people. As a trainer, you are exposed to people from all walks of life, all with different personalities. That keeps me on my toes and makes every day unique.


When did you realize you wanted to be a trainer?

Towards the end of college. I was exposed to different career paths and training was one I was comfortable with and thought I could really excel in.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Tacos tacos tacos.

What's the #1 most played song on your ipod?

Usually I listen to upbeat electronic music, mostly any set list from DJ Tiesto.


What is your favorite quote?

"Amateurs call it genius, masters call it practice."

When you are not training what is your favorite thing to do?

Definitely play, watch, or talk soccer. It will always be my life passion.


What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

Laundry, I can't stand folding clothes and trying to get them all to fit in the dresser/closet.

What is your favorite exercise?

Back squat.


What is your favorite month of the year and why?

May, my birthday is May 13 and always a good month for weather!


What was the last thing you recorded on TV?

My favorite soccer team Arsenal!


If you could share a meal with any 3 individuals, who would they be?

1. Arsene Wenger, he's the manager of my favorite team. I'd like to pick his brain about soccer.
2. Tom Hanks, I am a huge fan of his. I'd like to hear what he thought of the numerous roles he's played over the years.
3. Muhammad Ali, for obvious reasons. He was a revolutionary. Stood for what he believed in under unfathomable pressure.


If you win the lottery, what's the first thing you buy?

Porsche 911 Spyder


Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

Coffee, easy answer.


If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?

I'd want the ability to fly!


What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?

Soccer ball definitely. Giant stereo system to play music all day. A large yacht so I could go on vacation.


What actor/actress would play you in your life movie?

A young Matt Damon would fit the bill I think.


What is your favorite book or movie?

Favorite movie would be Cast Away, favorite book was The Outsiders.


Do you have any pets? names?

I have two dogs. A Black Lab named Dutch and a Puggle named Max.


Who is the person that you have looked up to the most in life and why?

I'd say both of my parents. They have always showed me what unconditional love and support is and have persevered together through everything life has thrown at them. Including raising myself.


What is your dream place to visit?

I'd love travel to the world and see all major mountain ranges across the globe.


What makes you laugh the most?

Real life bloopers, can't beat it.

1135 Fairport Road

Fairport, New York 14450

Tel: 585-223-7874

© PUSH Fitness Center LLC

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